KTM has already put together the team of apprentices for the training starting in 2023. We are now looking for team members who would like to join us for the training year 2024.
In motor sports, every successful rider is supported by their crew chief who works with them to make the key decisions that shape their career. The crew chief knows their rider’s strengths and weaknesses. As your child’s crew chief, you will be on hand to help them choose their apprenticeship and make the right decision. Which team will your child start their career with?
KTM is constantly expanding its range of apprenticeships and offers a variety of training and further education courses. Our aim is to train the champions of tomorrow in-house.


The prerequisite is a compulsory school-leaving certificate. You will start on various pathways depending on your school-leaving certificate. As a student with a higher school-leaving certificate, you take the shortcut and, depending on the job description, start directly in the second year of apprenticeship with a second year salary and benefit from the shorter apprenticeship period. As a higher general school graduate, the opportunity of the Dual Academy is also offered. (More on this with the question; Apprenticeship with higher general school leaving certificate) An apprenticeship at KTM can be interesting as a university graduate or after dropping out of university, and can also offer a wide range of opportunities.

An apprenticeship at KTM lasts between 3 and 4 years, depending on the profession. Depending on your school-leaving certificate, the apprenticeship period may be shortened. For example, the apprenticeship period at the Dual Academy is reduced from 3.5 to 2.5 years and from 4 to 3 years.

All dedicated apprentices who have successfully completed their apprenticeship are taken on at KTM. KTM’s goal is to train tomorrow’s employees and managers in-house and to continuously develop them further.

Grades give us an initial indication at KTM, but we nevertheless still take a close look at every possible future team member at the Orange Future Day . Where do the abilities, talents and strengths lie? For this we make use of the aptitude test from You will have already had the opportunity through schools to take the aptitude test at to find out which profession suits you best.

Important facts about the trial apprenticeship:
- Times: Monday – Thursday from 08:00 am till 12:00 pm
- What to wear: It is best to wear clothes that can get dirty and closed shoes (only for the technical trial apprenticeship).

As soon as you start the final grade at school, it makes sense to apply for the following year. The start of the new apprenticeship year is always September. Apprenticeship vacancies can be found on the website here. As long as apprenticeships are advertised here for an application can be made. KTM is always READY TO RACE – so it is possible that apprenticeships for the fall of the following year will be advertised as early as fall of the previous year.

A partial qualification makes it possible to complete an apprenticeship even though certain prerequisites for a full apprenticeship are not met (e.g. positive completion of 9th grade). The exact amount of compulsory vocational schooling is fixed individually, as are pedagogical measures that provide the necessary support to complete the program. After passing the partial apprenticeship final examination, the apprentice receives his or her apprenticeship certificate. Following this, a full apprenticeship qualification can be pursued.
At KTM AG we offer the partial apprenticeship for the following professions: Operations Logistics Clerk & Metalworking . After basic technical training in our apprentice workshop, training follows within our production areas (vehicle assembly, engine construction or component plant) on a rotational basis. Following completion of the apprenticeship, we offer a guarantee of employment in our production department.

Showing an interest in what your child experiences and learns is the foundation of a good working relationship. We want the young people to have internalized the values of polite and respectful cooperation. We are always open to engaging in dialog with parents and are always available to discuss their concerns.

For our technical apprenticeships, a technical understanding and manual skills provide a good foundation. We welcome inventiveness, a self-motivation to work hard, team spirit and a thirst for knowledge from all apprentices.

KTM works with flexible working hours, depending on the department the apprentice is currently in. The flextime period is from 6:30 am – 6:00 pm. The core working hours, when you must be in attendance, are Monday to Thursday 9:00 am – 11:00 am and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, Fridays 9:00 am – 11:30 am.

A well-dressed starting line-up. KTM provides its apprentices with a first set of clothing. Technical apprentices receive an initial kit consisting of a pair of safety shoes, a pair of trousers, 2 KTM polo shirts and a jacket with a waistband. Commercial apprentices receive 2 KTM polo shirts. Wherever safety clothing is required, for example at machines, it is of course provided. In principle, the following applies at KTM: We are sporty, think sporty and dress sporty.

During the apprenticeship period, our apprentices rotate between all departments relevant to them. This gives them the chance to find out during their apprenticeship which department they would like to work in later.

KTM makes a particular effort to support its dedicated apprentices, who have set themselves the goal of passing their school-leaving exams. After the first year of settling in, the apprentice can take in-house courses at KTM. The courses take place in Mattighofen in KTM’s own teaching rooms. The advantage of an apprenticeship with a school-leaving certificate at KTM is that the learning location is Mattighofen and the courses take place during working hours. During the time at vocational school, learning is done using an online platform. Only the exams take place outside the company. Link to information about an apprenticeship with higher school-leaving certificate from the Upper Austrian Vocational Schools
After successfully completing the higher school-leaving certificate, KTM supports interested apprentices if they wish to study. Our personnel development department provides information about the possibilities of part-time study and potential support from KTM in terms of time and funding.

We will contact you by phone no later than two weeks after receiving your application.
In a video call, we will give you an insight into the KTM apprenticeship and ask you questions about yourself and your motivation for an apprenticeship at KTM.
The further selection process includes the “Orange Future Days”. We invite the applicants separately. This is where we get to know each other personally for the first time.
One week after the Orange Future Days, the applicants receive feedback. Ideally, they are offered an apprenticeship at KTM.
At the end of June, future apprentices and their parents are invited to a “warm up”. This is where the apprenticeship contract is signed. We spend an afternoon together to answer any questions the prospective apprentice and their parents may have.

The following training locations are possible depending on the apprenticeship and rotation. Depending on which department where the apprentice is currently gaining experience, the location may vary.
- KTM Motohall. KTM Platz 1, Mattighofen
- KTM Main Plant, Stallhofnerstraße, Mattighofen
- KTM Research and Development, Stallhofnerstrasse, Mattighofen
- KTM Parts Center, KTM Straße 1, Mattighofen
- KTM Marketing Workshop, Gewerbegebiet Nord 2, Munderfing
- KTM Engine Plant, Gewerbegebiet Nord 4, Munderfing
- KTM Motorsport, Gewerbegebiet Nord 5, Munderfing
- KTM Logistics Center, Gewerbegebiet Nord 6, Munderfing
- KTM Components, Gewerbegebiet Nord 8, Munderfing
- KTM House of Brands, Gewerbegebiet Nord 20, Munderfing

For apprentices with their own vehicle, KTM offers both a covered garage for two-wheelers and a large employee parking lot. If you are traveling by public transport, we are very pleased that KTM has its own train station which is only a few meters away from the main entrance to the KTM buildings on Stallhofnerstrasse.

KTM attaches great importance to the topic of apprenticeship. Accordingly, the team entrusted with the topic of apprenticeship at KTM is correspondingly large. A team of 18 people is exclusively responsible for the organization, training and further development of apprenticeships at KTM. In addition, we have more than 200 certified trainers in the company’s specialist areas, who take on the daily task of providing apprentices with the necessary learning content.

The training takes place at the appropriate vocational school depending on the apprenticeship occupation.
Application development
Media expert in combination with professional photographer
CAD design (mechanical engineering)
Industrial adminstrator
Information technology (spezializing in systems engineering)
Mechatronics (production technology)
Ried im Innkreis
Operational logistics administrator
Office clerk
Forwarding manager
Freight forwarding logistics clerk
E-commerce merchant
Automotive engineering (motorcycle engineering)
Metal technology (welding technology)
Metal technology (mechanical engineering)
Electrical Engineering (Plant- and operating technology)

Vocational schools are usually directly linked with a boarding school. If this is not the case, there is a linked boarding house in the city. Vocational school takes place in blocks of 10 weeks each in all apprenticeships. During the period at vocational school, the apprentice arrives on a Monday and returns home on a Friday. Apprentices are supervised in the boarding schools/houses and are accommodated in shared rooms, separated into boys and girls. KTM pays the costs of the accommodation and meals.

KTM is Europe’s largest motorcycle manufacturer and we value internationality. Our apprentices have the opportunity to complete an internship abroad for several weeks to broaden their horizons and refresh their English skills. Participation in this is voluntary.

The shortened apprenticeship period for high school graduates. Anyone who already has a Matura can complete their apprenticeship faster. The apprenticeship period is shortened by exactly one year. The shortening takes place in such a way that the respective apprenticeship years are reduced:
– If three-year apprenticeships are shortened, this is one third per apprenticeship year: instead of 12 months, each “apprenticeship year” lasts only 8 months.
– For four-year apprenticeships, the first two years are also reduced to 8 months, the last two to 10 months.
– For 3.5-year apprenticeships, the last six months remain unchanged (8-8-8-6 months).
There are special regulations concerning the apprenticeship compensation in case of a shortened apprenticeship period. The apprenticeship compensation adapts to the shortening of the apprenticeship years. In the case of three-year apprenticeships, the compensation is therefore paid for the first 8 months of the first year of apprenticeship, for the second 8 months of the second year of apprenticeship and for the third 8 months of the third year of apprenticeship.

As a family member, we would be delighted to offer you an insight into KTM and the apprentice workshop during our “Open Apprentice Workshop Day” and “Long Night of Apprenticeship” events. Here there is time for a “pit talk” about KTM in general and the apprenticeship at KTM in particular.